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Uncovering the Mysteries of The Conquered San Graal Line: A Closer Look at the Origins of Nimrod and the Goat of Mendes

Updated: Aug 21

The intricate web of history and myth often intertwines, revealing fascinating tales that resonate through time. Laurence Gardener's work, "Genesis of the Grail Kings," sheds light on the significance of Ham's heritage in messianic history and the grail bloodline. Delving into the depths of ancient Aramaic writings, we unearth captivating connections that unravel the enigmatic story of Nimrod and the Goat of Mendes.

The Legacy of Nimrod and Pharaoh Anaedjib

Nimrod, a figure steeped in antiquity, emerges as a pivotal link in the lineage of the Pharaohs. The ancient Aramaic texts, dating back to the 1st century, paint a vivid picture of Nimrod's influence, tracing his lineage to Pharaoh Anaedjib of the Egyptian 1st dynasty in 3000 BC. The succession led to King Raneb, who introduced the enigmatic Goat of Mendes into the narrative, symbolizing the essence of Nimrod's paternal lineage.

Astonishingly, the Goat of Mendes finds its roots in the city of Mendes, nestled in the Egyptian delta, embodying the sacred goat figures like Khem, Chem, or Ham. The zodiacal representation of the goat, particularly in Capricorn, bears the inverted pentagram, a symbol synonymous with the esoteric Dragon Court of Oannes or Dagon the Philistine.

First Turning Point - The Fall of The King of Kings

Yasher 27:4 reveals a turning point in history when the story describes the scene revealing Esau's jelously over a tunic created out of the animal skins that Adam and Eve clothed themselves with that Nimrod wore while hunting. This tunic was handed to Nimrod upon his crowning as King of Kings in the Canannite succession of the son's of Enki through Noah. The mystery here is that at this juncture the murder of the King of Kings of the Cannanite succession in the line of Ham leads to a transfer of the San Graal line and Kingship to a Shemite, and son of Issac biblically. This is the turning point of the entire biblical story.

Second Turning Point - Slaughter of Benjamin

While many believe the bible was penned by the hand of God, a critical mind reveals a re-write during the Judges period when Judah conquered Benjamin. The scribe writing Judges clearly refers to Israel as "The Tribe of Judah", excluding Benjamin. This leads to question whether Israel was an addition at this particular time in history when the Semite bloodline of Jacob is transferred to Judah through the slaughter of 25,100 Benjaminite men. Wikipedia relates that Romans recorded relocating Jews (Judahites) back to where they came from which was the west coast of Africa after the crucifixion. Biblical text reveal a distain of Esau by God and Judah in Judges, as well as earlier accounts. What does this reveal?

The Enigmatic Symbolism of the Pentagram and the Feminine Divine

The pentagram, when inverted, takes on a profound significance, symbolizing the goddess Venus-Lilith, entwined in myth and mystery. According to Talmudic lore, she stands as Adam's first wife, rejecting him and weaving her fate with Enki-Samael. This symbolism, intertwined with the Goat of Mendes, hints at a deeper narrative of enlightenment and esoteric knowledge linked to Enki.

Tracing the Threads of History: The Cathars of Languedoc

Throughout recorded history, shadows loom over those associated with the inverted pentagram, bearing witness to atrocities committed by church authorities against groups like the Cathars of Languedoc in France. The Goat of Mendes, erroneously vilified as a symbol of darkness, actually traces its origins to the forebearer of humankind, the enigmatic Lord Enki.

In conclusion, the Conquered San Graal Line reveals an intricate tapestry of lineage and symbolism that transcends time and space, delving into the depths of ancient mysteries that continue to intrigue and captivate curious minds.

Remember, the obscured often holds the key to enlightenment, and in exploring the enigmas of Nimrod and the Goat of Mendes, we peel back the layers of history to reveal the timeless truths that shape our understanding of the world around us.




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